About TNR

TNR is not just Spay & Neuter

Healthier, happier free-roaming cats are the culmination of many hours and complex logistics coordinated by our extremely dedicated volunteers. In addition to working with property owners to schedule trap days, TNR requires hours of preparation – sanitizing traps, preparing bait, washing trap covers, and lots of paperwork. We must coordinate with vets for appointments, secure shuttles and volunteer transporters, and work with overnighters for care both before and after surgeries. We often coordinate with shelters, rescue organizations, animal control officers, and even wildlife resource officers to ensure trapping goes smoothly.


Increased life expectancy and better health

Spaying BEFORE a cat’s first heat cycle has been proven to significantly reduce or eliminate the risk of feline breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and uterine cancer. Breast cancer, the most common cancer in female cats, is FATAL 90% of the time.

Early spaying also helps prevent pyometra, an extremely painful and often fatal uterine infection that commonly affects breeding females.

During surgery, cats are treated for medical issues and are given an initial rabies vaccination.


Happier cats = happier neighbors

Early spay/neuter can reduce territorial fighting, and will prevent a female’s desire to roam during heat cycles.

Neutering EARLY can also help prevent a male’s urge to spray or mark territory.

Well-fed cats have a decreased urge to predate on backyard wildlife and are far less likely to be at risk for negative wildlife encounters.


TNR is the ONLY humane solution to overpopulation

Simply put, culling of populations does not work. Not only is it inhumane, culling and relocation create a population “vacuum” wherein space is left open for new cats to enter an existing colony. These new cats may not be fixed, and they often introduce disease and territorial in-fighting to an otherwise stable colony.

TNR, when managed carefully and consistently, reduces cat populations over time with the prevention of new litters of kittens. Remember it is just as important, if not more so, to neuter MALES as it is to spay females.

Cat should be allowed to go through a heat cycle before spaying “for their health”

Cats can’t be spayed while pregnant or nursing

My male cat does not need to be neutered if my female is spayed, or if my cats stay indoors.

There are ZERO known health benefits for allowing a cat to go into heat. Cats can get pregnant during their FIRST heat! Spaying prior to the first heat cycle is most beneficial for a cat’s physical and behavioral health.

While it is not the most desirable time, cats CAN be spayed during heat, or while pregnant or nursing. Veterinarians can do a “flank spay” on nursing mothers to decrease the risk of infection and to allow kittens to continue to nurse while mom recovers.

Even if your male cat isn’t mating with YOUR female, chances are he’s mating with someone else’s! While females can only get pregnant with one litter at a time, males can spawn MULTIPLE LITTERS in a season. Indoor cats at some point ALWAYS escape.